Jonas Winje

A human person

Jonas is a developer and construKction worker at Computas, with an MSc in Computer Science from the University of Oslo. Codes in new-old languages like Java and Smalltalk at work. Plays with lambdas and programming languages outside of. Almost organizes a lambda-almost-meetup sometimes. Wants to have a goat and a maybe donkey. Donkeys are like small horse-rabbits.

Jonas and Einar explore the roots of computation by means of a Socratic dialogue about the Lambda Calculus. Armed with nothing more than functional abstraction and function application, Jonas will build up the basics of a programming language in order to answer Einar's naïve questions about calculations, abstractions and programming in general. The explanations will be backed by live-coding in Jonas' home-brewed hipsterware that does tricks on lambda expressions. We will demonstrate that in a land where abstractions are always dissolving before our very eyes, seeing is believing and believing is seeing. Simple things can be viewed in many ways and mean many things, yet they all return to the fold in the end.

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