Felipe Almeida Lessa

Senior Quantitative Developer at Standard Chartered Bank

Felipe is a developer originally from Brazil, with a background in Computer Science and Bioinformatics. He has been using Haskell in one way or another since 2006. After moving to the UK, his career has focused on the financial sector. He enjoys dancing, riding motorcycles, camping, and playing with his Saluki dog.


Functional programmers interested in graphical UIs.


- How our UI libraries evolved over time.

- How to write maintainable UI code.


We will explore how apps can be written in a functional language, using three components: a declarative view, an update function, and a model without business logic. Many problems such as background tasks, efficient updates, and composition will be addressed. 

This talk is based on a production library developed based on a decade of learnings. More than 100 internal apps benefit from it.
