Riccardo Terrell

Functional guy living in an imperative world.

Riccardo Terrell is a seasoned software engineer and Microsoft MVP who is passionate about functional programming. He is active in the .NET community and believes in polyglot programming as a mechanism for finding the right tool for the job.


Functional reactive programming supports elegant programming of dynamic and reactive systems by providing first-class, composable abstractions for behaviors (time-varying values) and events (streams of timed values). Using Functional Reactive Programming to handle event-stream of values over time provides an alternative to the Observer pattern, which produces a series of unique responses to discrete changes in state. Reactive Programming is useful anywhere the Observer pattern is common, and provides an elegant way to express computation in domains such as video games, networking, user interfaces and simulation. Once understood, it can greatly simplify your project and code dealing with asynchronous events with nested callbacks, complex list filtering/transformation, or timing concerns. During this presentation I will create, consume and compose event streams with Observables introducing the concept of FRP integrating time flow and compositional events to build Natural User Interfaces with Kinect and Leap. You will walk away with the knowledge and excitement of how to use the Functional Reactive Programming approach and how to leverage the reactive programming power to build Natural User Interfaces.

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