Laura M. Castro

Teacher, researcher, traveller. Constant learner, feminist, geek.

Dr. Laura M. Castro is a post-doct researcher and assistant teacher at the University of A Coruña (Spain). Her research focuses on distributed
systems, functional programming, design patterns, and more recently, software testing. Laura got her PhD Cum laude in 2010, with a dissertation entitled
“On the development life cycle of distributed functional applications: a case study”. She has spent several months in institutions as the University of Houston
(USA), the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) and Chalmers University (Sweden). She has been teaching at the university since 2005, where she currently lectures on Software Architecture and Software Validation and Verification. As a postdoc, she has been involved in several European research projects (FP7), such as ProTest ( and PROWESS (

Software stakeholders who do not have a technical profile (i.e. users, clients) but do want to take part in the development and/or quality assurance process of software, have an unmet need for communication on what is being tested during the development life-cycle. The transformation of test properties and models into semi-natural language representations is one way of responding to such need.
Our research has demonstrated that these transformations are challenging but feasible, and they have been implemented into a prototype tool called readSpec. The readSpec tool transforms universally-quantified test properties and stateful test models —the two kinds of test artifacts used in property-based testing— into plain text interpretations. The tool has been successfully evaluated on the PBT artifacts produced and used within the FP7 PROWESS project by industrial partners.

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