Rafał Studnicki

Wannabe embedded hacker

Rafal is a software engineer with 12 years of experience in C, Erlang, and Elixir. He has worked on various distributed systems, ranging from tiny clusters on microcontrollers to some of the largest chat servers in the world.

Having consulted on many real-world projects, he has come to believe that clean architecture, ruthless simplicity, and a principled stance towards testing for correctness are required for software to serve its business purpose successfully in the long run.

Currently, Rafal is a software engineer at Whatnot, a rapidly growing live shopping platform.

Some people think of Erlang as a language of choice for programming embedded devices.

This assumption might stem from how the language originated or from the recent attempts to reduce the learning curve for embedded programming.

In this talk I'd like to report on the progress made trying to fit as many Erlang Virtual Machine elements as possible on a microcontroller containing merely 32 kilobytes of RAM.
The goal is to explore the ramifications that need to be taken into consideration when using such a high-level language on such a device.

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